Monday, January 9, 2012

Its more than just a Picture

I’ve struggled long and hard with the idea of putting this in words, knowing in my heart that some may object, where others will accept it. The journey I am about to share with you has pushed me through a range of emotions, from hope, joy, love, to hurt, pain, loss and sadness. I have finally accepted it for what it is and know this is the reason why I do what I love. No other profession could possibly give me what I take away with me from every photography session! My journey begins approximately 2 months ago….

Around 1:30 pm in the afternoon, while sitting in the office editing I received an email asking me to call a client as soon as possible! Something told me not to put that call off. I grabbed the phone and placed the call that would forever alter my life, both personally and professionally! The phone only rang a couple of times, the voice on the other end was different then most calls that I make with my work. I could hear, pain, upset and the unknowing in the voice. The voice asked if I would do a favor for them. As soon as I heard what was going on, I did not hesitate. I instantly knew in my heart I could not say no. I asked that they set up a time and place that would work for them and agreed to the shoot! Several days later I jumped on my bike and rode down to the pre-arranged location.. Apprehension and nerves filled me. This was no ordinary shoot! I knew what I captured that day would forever remain in the photo albums and hearts of this particular family, for you see the lady of the family had cancer. Her prognosis was not good. I did not know how I would be received at this point. Once we met up my worries and fears were quickly pushed aside by the warmth, love and caring of everyone! This wonderful lady has come into my life for a reason. I was needed and that was made more and more clear to me with every click of the shutter! She never complained , always had a smile and was full of life! I left that session filled with every emotion you could think of! On the way home I was stopped by a deer in the middle of the path, most deer will take off right away, this one didn’t, she moved about 2 feet away from me and watched quietly. Almost as if she was saying thank you. Once I arrived back in the office I sat down, and started crying.. I can’t tell you exactly why but I cried for a good 20 mins. Over run with emotion I began editing knowing from our conversations that day that I needed to get this images done up quickly but to the best of my ability.

Once the images were done I thought “ok I’ve done what I can for them” … god was not done yet. A few days later I received another email asking if I would photograph a special family evening for them. Again I did not hesitate! I knew in my heart I had to do everything I could for them! A week later I met with the family and spent a wonderful evening with them, getting to know everyone and enjoying what I was doing. The evening ended on a high note when the Mom hugged me and said “ welcome to the family!” Well I can tell you this again brought me to tears! I felt such a deep emotional connection with this amazing family! I had been accepted just as if I had known everyone for years! This amazing lady was so full of warmth and acceptance!
Several weeks later I stopped in to deliver the second package. I could tell she wasn’t doing all that well. We sat and chatted while she had a cup of tea. To my amazement I was invited to spend part of Christmas eve with the family. Hugging this beautiful soul I promised to be back Christmas eve!

Little did I know that would be the last night I saw her .. They truly have touched apart of me that I wasn’t expecting. I had grown attached and had become friends with my client. She accepted me, and always had a smile on her face, no matter how bad she felt. She in her own way reminded me that I do far more than just take pictures, I capture memories, memories that may fade from the mind but will always be on paper and in the heart!!! I am so touched and amazed that I was brought into their lifes and was able to do this small gesture for them!

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